Wednesday, May 18, 2011


A lot of people here at Courtyard Square Apartments just throw their trash out in front of their apartments and no one from management or maintenance makes them clean it up. Remember our recent post about this neighbors trash sitting on the shared balcony for over a week?

Well, on my walk this morning I noticed several more apartments that just threw their trash out on the balcony or out in front of their apartment where it can attract bugs and rodents.

This one is the icing on the cake. This apartment is within sight of the leasing office [maybe 40-50 yards from it] and it is on the main road going back to the leasing office, so you know that management has to drive past here everyday coming and going and yet there are bags and bags of trash and aluminum cans out in front of this apartment. You can tell this isn't just one days worth. I guess they don't care that the leftover liquids in the cans attracts bugs and roaches [and smells horrible to boot]