Monday, May 23, 2011

Courtyard Square Apartments offers outrageous service

Here is a screenshot of one of Courtyard Square Apartments brochures where they claim to offer "outrageous service"

Like most of their other claims this is misleading. Yes their servce will leave you outraged but not in a good way and not in the way their ad leads you to believe. On the 9th of May I sent them a message through their website with a list of things that needed to be fixed. When I spoke with one of the females in the office the next day she claimed to have not gotten the message so I verbally gave them the list again and she assured me it would be taken care of promptly.

Three of four days later the maintenance man came and fixed a few of the things but left more unfixed or worse than when he started then promised he would be back to fix the rest. I called the office and talked to the staff and was informed that maintenance was busy and was given the general run around. On this day I also sent them an email telling them that the problems needed to be corrected, we got no response.

A few days later I sent them the below email and also contacted the health department about the worst problem. The health department actually responded and came out and made maintenance fix one problem, we never heard from Courtyard Square management though. At this point it's been a full two weeks that the office staff have ignored our emails, messages through their system, and failed to return our phone calls. I know they received the emails because they were niot bounced back as undeliverable and the morning after the last email was sent the exterminator visited to put bait down for the roaches, I guess the office staff is choosing to ignore the rest of the problems. We still have a list of things needing to be fixed as well as problems that need to be addressed. I guess the CourtyardSquare office staff figures if they ignore the problems long enough they will fix themselves. I don't think that is what Capreit had in mind when they came up with the "outrageous service" slogan.