Monday, May 23, 2011

Outdoor Concerts @ Courtyard Square Apartments

Here are two videos from this past weekend. The first video was taken Saturday evening [Sunday morning] at 12:22am and the second was taken a bit later around 1:15am. These tenants have their music just blaring so that it can be heard throughout the entire courtyard and even in our apartment with the doors and windows closed. This happened last weekend too. I've asked the Courtyard Square apartments office staff what we should do about this earlier in the week and they havent even bothered to respond

Courtyard Square Apartments offers outrageous service

Here is a screenshot of one of Courtyard Square Apartments brochures where they claim to offer "outrageous service"

Like most of their other claims this is misleading. Yes their servce will leave you outraged but not in a good way and not in the way their ad leads you to believe. On the 9th of May I sent them a message through their website with a list of things that needed to be fixed. When I spoke with one of the females in the office the next day she claimed to have not gotten the message so I verbally gave them the list again and she assured me it would be taken care of promptly.

Three of four days later the maintenance man came and fixed a few of the things but left more unfixed or worse than when he started then promised he would be back to fix the rest. I called the office and talked to the staff and was informed that maintenance was busy and was given the general run around. On this day I also sent them an email telling them that the problems needed to be corrected, we got no response.

A few days later I sent them the below email and also contacted the health department about the worst problem. The health department actually responded and came out and made maintenance fix one problem, we never heard from Courtyard Square management though. At this point it's been a full two weeks that the office staff have ignored our emails, messages through their system, and failed to return our phone calls. I know they received the emails because they were niot bounced back as undeliverable and the morning after the last email was sent the exterminator visited to put bait down for the roaches, I guess the office staff is choosing to ignore the rest of the problems. We still have a list of things needing to be fixed as well as problems that need to be addressed. I guess the CourtyardSquare office staff figures if they ignore the problems long enough they will fix themselves. I don't think that is what Capreit had in mind when they came up with the "outrageous service" slogan.

Personal Waterfalls @ Courtyard Square Apartments

Here is another video showing the rain running out of the gutters at Courtyard Square Apartments. If you like waterfalls you'll love this place. Because the gutters haven't been cleaned out the rain runs straight out of them and soaks anyone using the balcony to get to or from their car. Then it runs off of the balcony and gets you again underneath on the sidewalk. You get wetter from the gutters than you do the rain because it's all collecting into one flow rather than hitting you in individual drops.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Birds are out, squirrels are in

After the health department came on Wednesday the complex miraculously had the birds nest out and the eaves sealed up in around three to four hours. We thought all was well until this morning when we heard scampering about in the eaves above our head. I believe a squirrel is trapped in there that they failed to get out before closing the eaves up. I walked the length of the building to see if it has another way out but apparently it doesnt. It's been running around all day. I'm scared that it is going to die in there but I don't look forward to calling the office and telling them because they're going to think we're playing games. :(

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The joys of parking at Courtyard Square Apartments

Courtyard Square Apartments has signs like this one up at the entrances to the complex

These are more for show than anything because management never enforces the parking policy. If you look around the complex you will find that close to half of the vehicles if not more do not have permits. This means that when you get home at night, more often than not you end up parking a long way from your apartment. If you have bags to carry you're going to be packing them a long way. The parking lots are very dimly lit so if you don't feel safe walking a long way in the dark then you're really going to hate parking here. Below is a map of the complex showing how far you may have to park from your apartment.

And here is a video showing how far you might have to walk to your car and how dark it is out there at night.

Finally? Relief from the bird droppings?

Well, it's been at least nine days since we notified the office about the birds above our door and the constant droppings. I sent two e-mails to the office neither of which were returned. I followed up and called one lady in the office and set up a work order to get it fixed. Maintenance came and made the problem worse by sealing the live birds up in the eaves and leaving them to die. He promised to come back yesterday and check and never called or showed up. I spoke to another leasing agent on Friday and told her about the live birds being trapped and she gave me the runaround saying maintenance was busy working on air conditioners.

In the five days since I spoke to her no one in the office returned our calls and no one from maintenance showed up to fix the problem right. So after getting nowhere with management I called the health department who sent an inspector over. I explained the problem to him and showed him the nest directly above the door and all of the droppings below it. He agreed that it was a problem and said he would get it taken care of. Now within three hours of him being here maintenance has showed up with a ladder. I guess that's what it takes to get anything done. Courtyard Square likes to talk about their great maintenance but they couldn't care less that birds are shitting on tenants heads until you get the health department involved.

We will wait and see how this attempt at fixing the problem goes.


A lot of people here at Courtyard Square Apartments just throw their trash out in front of their apartments and no one from management or maintenance makes them clean it up. Remember our recent post about this neighbors trash sitting on the shared balcony for over a week?

Well, on my walk this morning I noticed several more apartments that just threw their trash out on the balcony or out in front of their apartment where it can attract bugs and rodents.

This one is the icing on the cake. This apartment is within sight of the leasing office [maybe 40-50 yards from it] and it is on the main road going back to the leasing office, so you know that management has to drive past here everyday coming and going and yet there are bags and bags of trash and aluminum cans out in front of this apartment. You can tell this isn't just one days worth. I guess they don't care that the leftover liquids in the cans attracts bugs and roaches [and smells horrible to boot]

Meticulously Landscaped Grounds

Here is a screen shot of Courtyard Square Apartments web site touting their "Meticulously Landscaped Grounds".

Now, here are a couple pictures of some of the bushes right behind the laundry care center [the one in the pictures from yesterday] and right next to the maintenance facility. These bushes haven't been landscaped in a long time and are growing out over the sidewalk meaning that you have to turn sideways just to get through the walkway without getting scraped up by the bushes. It's pretty much like this all around the complex [except around the leasing office, they keep that looking nice for use on their online photos].

A Bumpy Ride

This is the main road leading into Courtyard Square off of Greentree Blvd, as you can see, it is full of huge pot holes that fill up with water any time it rains. Some of these are pretty deep, it's almost like having a chain of small lakes.

Old Mattresses Everywhere!

Everywhere you look at Courtyard Square Apartments there are old mattresses and furniture strewn about. Some have been lying around for a long time. Taking a walk this morning I counted old mattresses at five out of the seven dumpsters in the complex. It's about time that management hires someone to cart them off.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

This is where you go to clean your clothes?

It doesn't look like anything is clean in here...

"Professionally manicured grounds"

This is an online advertisement for Courtyard Square from

"Courtyard Square Apartments is southern Indiana's finest apartment community. We are conveniently located five minutes from downtown Louisville and moments from Greentree and River Falls Malls. Nestled in our comforting courtyards awaits your one, two or three bedroom apartment homes with flexible lease lengths. Take your pick of five fabulous floorplans. Our community offers you the finer things: a great staff ready to offer you outrageous service, professionally manicured grounds"

Comforting courtyards?

Professionally manicured grounds?


No wonder there are roaches...

One of our neighbors was too lazy to take their trash down to the dumpster, so they just threw it out on the shared balcony in front of their apartment and left it there for over a week. Birds and squirrels came and ripped the bags open and feasted on the trash. The garbage stayed there day and night for over a week until it was finally removed. You would think that management would be going around to check and make sure stuff like this doesn't happen but apparently they don't.

What you can really expect when you live at Courtyard Square Apartments in Clarksville, Indiana